BK Shivani videos that are changing people's lives all over the world by providing deep insight into how and why we think and behave in certain ways. The process reveals our perceptions and strong beliefs which influence our thoughts and feelings and takes us on a journey of self transformation. These videos have helped people overcome mental stress, depression, addictions, low self-esteem and unhappy relationships.
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BK Shivani的影片,通过提供深入了解我们如何以及为什么想和在某些方面的表现改变了人们的生活世界各地。该过程揭示了我们的看法和影响我们的思想和感情的强烈信念,并把我们的自我转型之旅。这些影片帮助人们克服精神紧张,抑郁,吸毒,自卑和不愉快的关系。